Christmas Lunch 2019
Dear Member
We are very pleased to invite you to The Old Cicestrians 2019 Christmas Lunch, taking place at Chichester Park Hotel on Saturday 7 December 2019.
The after-dinner speech will be “A Marine Biologist? I don’t think that’s a good idea!” by Inigo Everson OBE. Inigo was at Chi-Hi from 1954 to 1961 followed by UCNW, Bangor (BSc Hons. Zoology with Oceanography) and a PhD in Antarctic fish from QMC, London. His career, in spite of retirement, continues. It began with two Antarctic winters in the 1960s (totally different from the present), Southern Ocean fisheries research, arresting illegal fishermen and this century included the SW Indian Ocean (Somali pirate era) and the Lake Victoria Nile perch fisheries. Come along and hear a few unembellished anecdotes from a huge cold deep salty ocean to a very large tropical freshwater lake. We look forward to it with great anticipation.
The price of the luncheon is £20.00 (including gratuity). Please make cheques payable to ‘The Old Cicestrians’ and for BACS payment (preferred) to sort Code 40-17-16: account number 51613235. We ask you to complete the slip below and return it to the John Wood, 6A Crescenta Walk, Bognor Regis, PO21 2YA before Friday 18 October 2019. You can order drinks by the glass or bottle from the bar on the day.
As always, we encourage you to consider inviting another former High School Friend to join us at the luncheon. If you were very popular, we can arrange for your own table of eight!
We very much hope that you will take this opportunity to join us and enjoy the excellent atmosphere that this event always generates, whilst being entertained by the thoughts of a former student.
Timings for the day: 11.00-12.00 AGM at Chichester Park Hotel (01243817436) – All welcome.
12.00 Meet in the bar and welcome old friends
1.00 Christmas Luncheon
Member’s name: ………………………………………………….
- Tomato and basil soup/Smoked Scottish Salmon/Warm Chicken Tikka
- Roast Turkey/Rump of Lamb/Grilled Fillet of Salmon/Goat’s Cheese Tart
- Raspberry Trifle/Dark Chocolate and Amaretto Torte/Christmas Pudding
Followed by freshly brewed coffee and chocolate mints
Please highlight/circle your choices and indicate below with whom you would like to sit:
- Please return this form before Friday 18 October 2019.
Mid-term report:
Since Christmas, the Committee has met twice and among the discussions have been:
- The Fallen: The book is now in circulation. Copies have been sent to the statutory bodies and a copy has been presented to Chichester High School. A photo was published in the Chichester High School Newsletter. Colin Snook, Richard Wood-Kneller and Professor Anthony Cook are congratulated for their hard work in bringing this project to fruition and to Ian Walters for his inspiration in suggesting the idea. Copies are still available and will be on sale at the Christmas lunch.
- Membership Recruitment: We followed up the excellent attendance at CHSB90 by contacting attendees who were non-members. Membership is open to all ex Chi High, Lancastrian and the new Chichester High School.
- The last Christmas lunch was a relaxed opportunity to meet old friends and reminisce. The Park Hotel provided their usual excellent meal which is very good value for money. Post lunch we were entertained by Neil Odin who traced his career in the Fire Service leading to his current prestigious appointment as Chief Fire Officer for Hampshire & Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Services. Neil is an excellent example of achievement following his departure from Chi-Hi.
- The Website and Facebook page continue to provide excellent areas for discussion and updating with the latest news. Grateful thanks to Richard Wood-Kneller.
- The membership and finances are in new hands and both Richard and Jonathan Harry are working to modernize and co-ordinate the lists.
- The Archive: The catalogue revision has been sent out with more information to follow. Alan Green was praised for his hard work on the archive.
- Events: After successive years on canal and harbour, future plans, when writing this report, included a summer trip to the Isle of Wight and of course the 2019 Christmas lunch where our guest speaker and his cv are listed on your Invitation overleaf.
- Golf: So far one of the disappointments of the year is a difficulty in reviving the Golf Tournament, as we have no-one prepared to organise the day. If anyone reading this would be happy to help, please contact me on 01621 891589 or
Finally, I wish everyone an enjoyable latter part of 2019 and hope to see many of you at the Christmas lunch. Please encourage friends to come and make up a table. New members are always welcome if you know colleagues who have not yet joined.
Bill Allen