Treasurer’s Report on the Accounts for the year ended 31 October 2020
Despite Covid, we managed to increase our membership from 140 to 148 thanks largely to the hard work of Jonathan Harry, our Membership Secretary, and to the successful CHSB90 event in 2018.
Our income from subscriptions and events once again covered our expenses and our bank balance remained at its previous level of £3,500. As you well know there is little or no interest on cash balances these days.
When “Normal Service is Resumed” we are well placed financially to restart a full programme of events.
In the meantime, our website and closed FaceBook Group are available to members to keep up with our news and to provide fellow members with some fascinating reminisces from our shared experience of our School days. The latest one has just been published was from Rick Haill, Frankie’s son, and gives a family insight into a master who never failed to make an impression on his pupils, either academically or sporting and often both!
I regret to say that my health has not been as good as I would have liked in recent times, probably because I retired from keeping wicket too early at a mere 76 years old. A replacement has been lined up for the webmaster rôle. I am happy to keep the books until such time as we find someone to take over the reins.
I thank our Auditor, Trevor James FCA, for his assiduous examination of our books and accounts.
Lastly, it only remains for me to say what a pleasure and privilege it has been to work with a terrific Committee, ably led by Bill Allen our Chairman and Geoff Wills our President.
Richard D Wood-Kneller FCA
Hon. Treasurer
Sunday, 21 March 2021