I have just received news that a contemporary of mine, Peter Quilter, passed away a few days ago at the beginning of August. He lived in Bognor for practically all his life, with the exception of two years of National Service at RAF Steamer Point in Aden, and also a short spell in Australia. He married Beverly (nee) Picot, a former CHSG student who survives him. He was an excellent cricketer, playing for the school 1stXI in 1951, and also Bognor C C for many years where his Father was groundsman/coach. He was also a table tennis player of considerable skill and I believe represented Sussex. On leaving school and completing his national service he qualified in the hotel trade and for many years lectured at the Chichester College of FE where he managed the College Restaurant. He was not a current member of the Old Cicestrians but did attend one or two of the early Chrismas lunches.
Geoff Wills OC President