27 April 2020
Gallery Template by Scot Baston
20 November 2018
Old Cicestrians Google Drive Account: (Monthly backup is posted here by Scot)
Account Creation Data:
firstname = Old
lastname = Cicestrians
birthday = 22
birthyear = 1929
recoveryphonenumber = +447768007942
recoveryemailaddress = wordpress@oldcicestrians.co.uk
-no-name- = English (United Kingdom)
Log in with oldcsassoc@gmail.com
Password Ndola1968
20 November 2018
Making iPhone photographs shew the right way up
Dashboard, Media Library, Save & Update
Make sure all pictures are upright
NB All pictures must be 1000 pixels wide!
7 November 2018
Scot's "How to uses templates in Cornerstone" video
5 November 2018
How to shew Videos in OCs website by uploading them to Youtube and embedding the code in a hyperlink
Upload videos to YouTube then embed the "Embed" code in the Global Box e.g.https://www.oldcicestrians.co.uk/pro/#/global-blocks/6775/inspector
1. Sign in to YouTube.
2. At the top of the page, click Upload.
3. Select Upload video.
4. Before you start uploading the video, you can choose the video privacy settings.
5. Select the video that you'd like to upload from your computer. You can also import a video from Google Photos.
6. As the video is uploading, you can edit both the basic information and the advanced settings of the video, and decide if you want to notify subscribers (if you untick this option, no communication will be shared with your subscribers). Partners will also be able to adjust their Monetisation settings. You can have a title of up to 100 characters and a description of up to 5,000 characters.
7. Click Publish to finish uploading a public video to YouTube. If you set the video privacy setting to Private or Unlisted, just click Done to finish the upload or click Share to privately share your video.
8. If you haven't clicked Publish, other people won't be able to view your video. You can always publish your video at a later time in your Video Manager.
Once the upload is complete, we will send you an email to notify you that your video has finish uploading and processing. You can then forward that email to friends or family to share your video easily. If you prefer not to receive notifications, you can opt out by visiting your email settings
8 September 2018
Editing the old-style galleries
This link will take you to the specific gallery you want, and you can edit the description field for each photograph:
I have put 'Description goes here' in the description field for the first photo. replace that with your description, and repeat for the other images
16 July 2018
New Gallery Post
Please note the important parts, such as
- making such you choose the category 'gallery'
- and choosing a featured image which will be the front cover for the gallery on the main gallery page
How to create Galleries
- The gallery template: this link will show you the various building blocks
the idea being, that you can add in any of the horizontal blocks to build a gallery i.e. a row of 'photo left', followed by a row of 'photo right', followed by three photos
Cornerstone Editing e. g. Home Page
- Go to the home page
- Click X on the top bar; choose “Edit page
- Click text to edit
- Select T for Text not HTML in the left-hand navigation bar
- Make edits which will appear on the right-hand screen
- SAVE bottom of the left-hand bar
How to change the text of an image in a gallery
As mentioned before, the Events link on the Menu is the Post Category of Events. It is not a page. To get anything to show when you click the Events link on the menu, you need to create a new POST with a category of EVENTS.
I have created a short video to show how to do this. I have now deleted the example I created in the video.
this is a block quoteMr Baston
this is a centred custom headline (with accent)
heading goes here
This is a success style alertInfo
This is an info style alertthis is muted
This is a muted style alertDANGER!
This is a danger style alertWant to join the Old Cicestrians (callout)
The finest band of gentlemen to walk this earth would like to invite you to join us
click here to joinImportant Webmaster information March 2017
New OC website modification requests
ChrisPC Free Video Tube Downloader