Dear Member
We are very pleased to invite you to The Old Cicestrians 2017 Christmas Lunch, which will be taking place at the Chichester Park Hotel on Saturday 2 December 2017.
This year’s after-dinner speech is entitled
‘A Life – or how not to get down in the mouth!’
by Dr Bill Allen OBE. Bill attended CHSB 1954 -61, Royal Dental Hospital 1961-65. He went on to become a Dentist in Essex, involved in Postgraduate Education and Chairman and President of the British Dental Association. He led for the profession in Europe and Worldwide. Now retired, he still lives in Essex but has a flat in Chichester; and for his sins is a season ticket holder at Pompey! We look forward to his speech with great anticipation.
The price of the luncheon is (as last year) £19.00 (including gratuity) and we ask you to complete the slip below and return it to the Hon. Treasurer, John Child at ‘Tresco’, Main Road, Nutbourne, Chichester, PO18 8RT before Tuesday 31 October 2017. You can order drinks by the glass or bottle from the bar on the day. Please make cheques payable to: The Old Cicestrians.
As always, we encourage you to consider inviting other former High School friends to join us at the luncheon. If you were very popular we can arrange for your own table of eight!
We very much hope that you will take this opportunity to join us and enjoy the excellent atmosphere that this event always generates, whilst being entertained by the thoughts of a distinguished former student.
Timings for the day:
11.00-12.00 AGM at Chichester Park Hotel (01243 817436) – All most welcome.
12.00 Meet in the bar and welcome old friends
13.00 Christmas Luncheon
Member’s name: ………………………………………………….
- Vegetable soup/ Salmon Mousse/ Warm Chicken Tikka
- Roast Turkey/ Rump of Lamb/ Baked Cod Fillet/ Brie & Mushroom Wellington
- Black Forest Trifle/ Orange & Ginger Cheesecake/ Christmas Pudding
Followed by freshly brewed coffee & chocolate mints
Please highlight/circle your choices and indicate below with whom you would like to sit:
Please return this form before Tuesday 31 October 2017
Exciting times for the future of the Old Cicestrians
Last year at the O.C’s Annual Christmas Luncheon the Committee were focused on the urgent need to recruit more members to join the Committee. With just six committee members it was looking very bleak for the future.
We are delighted to announce that at that Luncheon five members present agreed to join the Committee to help reduce the strain. We are still seeking someone who can take over as Treasurer (certainly not an arduous or time-consuming task) to ensure the Committee and indeed the Old Cicestrians Association itself will endure for some years to come. If you would like to know more about being Treasurer or are willing to offer your services please contact John Child at .
Now to the future
As those of you who know your history of CHSB might realise, next year, 2018 will be the 90th year since the school was formed on the Kingsham Road site. Whilst the old building with all its memories and stories to tell might have served its time and no longer be used, those memories and stories have many more years to be recounted by former members of the school both young and old.
We, the Old Cicestrians Committee are currently planning to ensure that Autumn Term 2018 will commemorate that first year and celebrate the achievements of so many former members of the school.
More details will follow on our website over the forthcoming year but we ask you to keep the date of Saturday 20 October 2018 free to come and join us in celebrating this very significant year in the modern history of Chichester.
We will be posting details on our website and also plan to have several articles in the Chichester Observer series of papers. If you know of any former CHSB friends who are not members of the O.C’s please let them know of this event and tell them that Chichester will be the place to be that weekend! We are very keen that former members of the school of all ages are able to join in this celebration and enjoy meeting their old school friends back in Chichester.
We look forward to seeing you as; CHSB celebrates 90yrs!
Committee Members (contact details for post holders):
Bill Allen Assistant Webmaster
John Child Treasurer
Richard Dudley Wood- Kneller Webmaster
Alan Green Archivist
Maurice Hall Member
Clive Sayer Member
Denis Sheppard Christmas Lunch
Nigel Smith Secretary
Colin Snook Chairman
Geoff Wills Founder
John Wood Membership