I am pleased to submit my fifth report on the activities of The Old Cicestrians and the Committee for the past year. This year has seen a return to normality after Covid. The year saw implementation of the plans on the destruction of the old school buildings. The only survivor now is the Woodwork shop! The Chichester City Council remains intent that new roads on the site will be named after prominent people connected with CHSB including the three Headmasters.
Finance has seen Richard Wood-Kneller succeeded by Trevor James – the bank has not made this change very easy. Jonathan Harry continues to look after Membership and e-mailing members. The membership list records the number of paid up members which was 141 in 2021 and is now 141 with one death and one new member. Separate to this is the issue of old members who have not paid up. It is pleasing to see new applicants are continuing to join the Association. Most of the old boys are now recorded on e-mail, which smooths communication. Anyone who feels they can be added to the list please contact Jonathan on alumni@oldcicestrians.co.uk The Association continues to have a healthy reserve including a prudent purchase of postage stamps which have now been exchanged with the new type of stamp.
The summer event for members, spouses and friends was held in the autumn, with Alan Green taking members on a nostalgic walk entitled “Chi High and the City”. During the walk lunch was taken at the Priory Park café (Fenwick’s Café). There was a disappointing level of support for this event. The committee will consider a change in format and date in 2023 so suggestions for next year from members will be most welcome to alumni@oldcicestrians.co.uk
Our annual Christmas Lunch, is due on the 4th December with distinguished former alumni David Wood giving a post Lunch talk on his new book entitled “ELIZABETH TAYLOR’S KISS And Other Brushes with Hollywood.” Joint organisers John Wood and Dennis Sheppard continue their excellent work in making the arrangements for the luncheon. And our thanks go to The Park Hotel, and Stephanie Milne who look after us so well.
Our thanks to John Child who has maintained contact with the new Chichester High School. Plans for helping at the school remain on our agenda awaiting developments in 2022. These include a Photographic display of CHSB and presentation of £500 to the school; the Head is very supportive and the Old Cicestrian contribution will be properly recognised.
The Archive – Alan Green is always seeking new items which will be catalogued and deposited at West Sussex Record Office. If you have any items please contact Alan via alumni@oldcicestrians.co.uk. We are grateful for Alan’s careful attention to the archive and the significant time he has spent on getting this material catalogued and safely stored at the Record Office.
While the Website and Facebook page remain excellent vehicles for communication between members, the need for a new member to take over the responsibility for the website is urgent. The website has been looked after and updated by the Chairman. Scot Baston (Website Designer) is commended for his work on the site The Facebook page remains active and we thank members for their material posted on the page. Richard Wood-Kneller oversees the entries.
Our committee meetings have been held at the Chichester Gymnastics Academy, The Tim Peake Sports & Conference Centre. We are grateful to Darryl Wulff for his continuing support at this venue.
I thank a supportive and active committee, Vice Chairman – Alan Green, Nigel Smith as a diligent secretary, Trevor James , our new Treasurer, John Wood and Dennis Sheppard, Jonathan Harry overseeing membership and acting as E-mail postmaster, and not least John Child and Geoff Wills (The President) for their wisdom and long-standing knowledge of the OCs. We welcomed a new member to the committee – Andy Bustin who has no formal role currently.
It would be helpful if anyone able and willing could come forward to join the committee and increase our numbers. Please let any member of the committee know if you are so able to join us.
The need for a new Webmaster is urgent. Please give this request serious consideration as the continuance and efficient running of the Association depends on a good relevant website. For further details please contact Bill Allen via the alumni e-mail
I am, your Chairman
Dr Bill Allen OBE