The Old Cicestrians’ Association hopes you will support this self-financing venture by purchasing a copy of this book.
You will be aware that during the past year a series of files about the boys and the master who died for King and Country has appeared on our website under the heading of The Fallen. This original idea to commemorate their lives in a book was inspired by Ian Walters (CHSB 1954-1962) and came about because, although the School has and continues to remember on Armistice Day those who fell during the 2nd World War, very few of us know anything about any of those chaps who gave their lives. Colin Snook (CHSB 1947-1952), our former Chairman, took up the challenge.
After eighteen months of intensive research by Colin, we now know a lot about all bar one of them and the circumstances leading up to their deaths during the 1939-1945 conflict. The book has now been published.
From the outset, the original concept for producing ‘The Fallen’ was always to produce a permanent record of the deaths in action of those sixty-one Old Cicestrians (over 10% of those called up) who lost their lives during the 2nd World War. It is our duty to ensure that details of their lives and sacrifice are placed with the West Sussex Record Office and Chichester High School as a permanent record. They will not be forgotten. The book provides an entry point for future research by both descendants and archivists.
The fully illustrated, 132-page long book ‘The Fallen’ can now be obtained from Colin Snook, 128, Gordon Road, Shoreham by Sea, BN43 6WG – – 01243 452601 priced at £15.00 plus £2.43 postage. (Overseas boys need to contact Colin for postage costs, please)
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